A collection of Fashion creative works, such as advertising or marketing campaigns videos. Watch fashion and styling videos, shows and interviews with some of fashion's most famous faces.
What to Wear in Las Vegas?
What should you wear if you're going to Las Vegas? This is a question frequently asked all year around, reviewing ti...
What to Wear on a Cruise for Women What to wear on a cruise? You would think this is an easy thing to figure out, Right? Well after you experience it, you ...
Golf Dress Code
If you have never been to a round of golf or you are uncertain of the golf dress code before visiting a specific gol...
How to Dress in Rome?
When in Rome, dress like an Italian. Wondering what fashions to wear on your trip to Rome? You're not alone. Many...
Airline Dress Codes Airline Dress Codes Ban Cleavage, Shirts With ExpletivesA woman flying from Las Vegas on Southwest this spring says she ...
What to Wear for Graduation Day How to Look Best On Your Graduation DayFinally graduating from college is a great relief for parents and the students th...
What to Wear to a Casino Just because you are headed to the casino doesn't mean you have to gamble on your fashion. Some casinos enforc...
What Should I Wear to a Baseball Game?
Gettin ready for a baseball game doesn't have to be complicated. As long as you have some comfortabe clothes, and I...
What to Wear on the First Day of School
It is always important to start the school year off with a bang. Start the first day of school with your best outfit...