A collection of Fashion creative works, such as advertising or marketing campaigns videos. Watch fashion and styling videos, shows and interviews with some of fashion's most famous faces.
Clothes to Bring to College
Back to Basics: Packing for college is not like packing for vacation. You will be packing for a long period and the...
What Should I Wear to a Baseball Game?
Gettin ready for a baseball game doesn't have to be complicated. As long as you have some comfortabe clothes, and I...
What to Wear to an Indoor Concert
At an anything goes environment like a concert, this is a great opportunity to take a style risk and experiment. Rem...
Tennis Dress Code
Whether you are playing in a tournament or simply practicing in an un-umpired game, at a posh club or at your local ...
What to Wear for Graduation Day How to Look Best On Your Graduation DayFinally graduating from college is a great relief for parents and the students th...
Golf Dress Code
If you have never been to a round of golf or you are uncertain of the golf dress code before visiting a specific gol...
Clothes to Wear in Miami
If you're up for an international destination full of warm beaches, exotic people, and plenty of shopping and dining...
What to Wear in Hot Humid Weather
Best Fabrics For Tropical Climates: Most people dream of vacationing or retiring to some tropical island where it is...
What to Wear with Green Shorts If I were to wear green shorts I would enjoy the contrast of a CREAM colored shirt, how dressy it is depends on the type...
What to Wear on Valentines Day Dressing For Valentines DayWhy not make Valentines Day special this year by dressing for the occasion? Whether you are ...