A collection of Fashion creative works, such as advertising or marketing campaigns videos. Watch fashion and styling videos, shows and interviews with some of fashion's most famous faces.
Clothes to Wear around the House The stay at home mom, the teenager on summer vacation, a businessman on his day off - what do you wear around the house?...
What to Wear When You're the Chaperone Oh no. Here it goes again. You have just been asked to chaperone a family member to a date. You know you're not supposed...
What to Wear in Las Vegas?
What should you wear if you're going to Las Vegas? This is a question frequently asked all year around, reviewing ti...
Clothes to Wear in California
How many times have you heard something about California girls and how wonderful they are. They look so relaxed, hap...
Clothes to Wear in New York
Are you planning to have a vacation in the fashion capital of the US? If you plan to go to New York City, prepare to...
What to Wear to a Rave
If you've just been invited to your first rave, you might be feeling a number of emotions. Maybe you're a little co...
What to Wear to a Bachelorette Party
If you're like most women out there I'm sure you would like to wear something your friends will envy, something sexy.....
What to Wear on a Cruise for Women What to wear on a cruise? You would think this is an easy thing to figure out, Right? Well after you experience it, you ...
Clothes to Take to Hospital for Baby
Let's Start with Mom. As you pack your hospital bag in preparation for the big day, here are some ideas on clothes y...